Debian Patches

Status for rocsparse/5.3.0+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-hide-kernel-symbols.patch hide kernel symbols
ROCSPARSE_KERNEL exists because the early versions of HIP for Windows
did not use weak symbols for kernels even when they were inline. While
it was defined in a public header, the define was intended for internal
use within the library, adding `static` on Windows to work around that

This patch adds `static` to Linux as well. It seems that kernels are
unaffected by -fvisibility=hidden. To ensure that there are no name
collisions between rocSPARSE kernels and application kernels, the
rocSPARSE kernels will be marked as static.

Fixed upstream in 4fd6929bd4204f3492fe672ba24e310b7707282e.
Cordell Bloor <> no 2022-12-02
0002-remove-unnecessary-git-dependency.patch remove unnecessary git dependency
Fixed upstream in 955ac892861f44c1693f2d4e84571404893f760c.
Cordell Bloor <> no 2022-12-10

All known versions for source package 'rocsparse'
