Debian Patches

Status for ruby-bunny/2.14.4-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-disable-bundler.patch disable bundler Lucas Kanashiro <> no 2018-04-27
0002-issue202_spec-don-t-connect-to-the-internet.patch issue202_spec: don't connect to the internet is a real server on the internet, and every time someone
runs the bunny test suite it will receive a connection attempt. is a local address, and 1433 is the port for Microsoft SQL
Server. So, unless you are runinng the bunny test suite on a Microsoft
SQL server that happens to listen to all interfaces, the connection
attempt should always fail (and fail faster).
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2020-03-21
0003-exchange_recovery_spec-drop-require_relative-to-lib.patch exchange_recovery_spec: drop require_relative to lib
rspec already automatically adds lib to the $LOAD_PATH, and this hinders
initiatives such as Debian's practice of running the test suite against
the package installed system-wide (as opposed to against the source tree).
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2020-03-21

All known versions for source package 'ruby-bunny'
