Debian Patches

Status for ruby-capybara/3.36.0+ds-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
inhibit-test-for-SSL.patch Inhibit test for SSL Sruthi Chandran <> no 2019-01-07
remove-jquery-from-gemspec.patch Remove jquery files from gemspec Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-17
fix-rack-version-nomethoderror.patch Fix nomethod error
Not sure why this is thrown:

1) Capybara::Session DSL #click_button should follow permanent redirects that maintain method
Failure/Error: pending "Rack < 2 doesn't support 308" if Gem.loaded_specs['rack'].version <'2.0.0')

undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass

But this is a simple safeguard.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-17
dont-require-selenium-statistics.patch Don't require selenium_statistics
This gem has not yet been packaged and is optional.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-17
fix-rspec-before-block.patch Fix some Rspec test failures
The tests actually results in

1) Capybara's feature DSL runs hooks filtered by file path
Failure/Error: expect(@in_filtered_hook).to be_truthy

expected: truthy value
got: nil

For some reason the before block does not apply. I'm not exactly sure why.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-17

All known versions for source package 'ruby-capybara'
