Debian Patches

Status for ruby-fssm/0.2.10-3.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove_rubygems_bundler_stuff_from_spec.patch Remove bundler/rubygems require statement from the specs These are not needed since all the libraries are in Debian Cédric Boutillier <> not-needed 2012-05-15
remove_load_path_manipulations.patch Avoid $LOAD_PATH manipulations in lib/fssm.rb Cédric Boutillier <> no 2012-05-15
modify_example_rb.patch Modify slightly the example to avoid requirement on rubygems Cédric Boutillier <> no 2012-05-15
fix_rspec_to_be_false_method.patch Fix tests for both ruby 2.2 and 2.3 In order to fix the tests for both ruby versions, it was necessary
to change the be_false method to the new convention of rspec, named

Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura <> yes upstream

All known versions for source package 'ruby-fssm'
