Debian Patches

Status for ruby-gravtastic/3.2.6-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-rspec-deprecated-syntax.patch Replace RSpec syntax "should" with "expect" `:should` syntax without explicitly enabling the syntax is deprecated in
RSpec. This patch will replace `:should` syntax with `#expect`, which
introduced in RSpec 2.11.
Could not forward because upstream project repository is read-only.
Jongmin Kim <> no 2019-05-18
rr-upgrade-transition.patch RR upgrade transition From 1.2.0, RR starts depending on RSpec 2, which also has `#stub`.
This patch specifies `RR.stub` for using RR `#stub`.
Could not forward because upstream project repository is read-only.
Jongmin Kim <> no 2019-05-18
apply-upstream-latest.patch Apply the upstream latest Getting the upstream latest code transitions.
This patch does:
* Add the Force Default feature and its test.
Some time ago Gravatar launched a feature
that allows forcing the default image to
always load.
* Fix the default value of attribute 'secure' to 'true'.
Chris Lloyd <> no 2019-05-18

All known versions for source package 'ruby-gravtastic'
