Debian Patches

Status for ruby-hamster/3.0.0-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-remove-code-climate.patch Remove CodeClimate test for Debian build Hanno Zulla <> not-needed 2016-01-18
0002-skip-timing-sensitive-test.patch skip timing sensitive test =?utf-8?q?C=C3=A9dric_Boutillier?= <> no debian 2017-02-07
0003-ignore-failing-tests-caused-by-new-sorted_set.patch ignore failing tests caused by new sorted_set
These tests are expected to fail with the new sorted_set gem.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed debian upstream 2021-11-28
0004-support-Ruby-3.0.patch support Ruby 3.0 Daniel Leidert <> yes 2021-11-28
0005-Fix-tests-for-Hamster.to_ruby-for-Ruby-3.0.patch Fix tests for Hamster.to_ruby for Ruby 3.0
In Ruby 2, SortedSet was part of the standard library. In Ruby 3, it
was removed from stdlib and put into a gem. This new gem implements
SortedSet using RBTree (from the 'rbtree' gem). As a result, the
behavior of `SortedSet#eql?` has changed; two SortedSets only compare
as equal using `#eql?` if they are the same object, not if their
contents are the same.

This behavior does not match built-in Ruby data structures like `Hash`
and is arguably incorrect. It was reported as an issue in the GitHub
repository for `sorted_set` almost a year ago, but has not been fixed.

We would love to see this issue with the new `sorted_set` gem fixed,
but in the meantime, we can simply avoid using `SortedSet#eql?` for
testing equality in our specs.
Alex Dowad <> no debian 2021-11-29

All known versions for source package 'ruby-hamster'
