Debian Patches

Status for ruby-raindrops/0.20.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Invoke-unix_listener_stats-conditionally.patch Invoke unix_listener_stats conditionally
unix_listener_stats reads /proc/net/unix on every invokation, that is
not only expensive, but also breaks the test suite when build process
isn't allowed to access /proc.
Dmitry Borodaenko <> no 2012-03-15
0002-Disable-tests-which-require-inet_diag-or-tcp_diag-ke.patch Disable tests which require inet_diag or tcp_diag kernel modules
These test will fail on buildd servers because they don't autoload
kernel modules (at least inet_diag and tcp_diag required for these tests)
Hleb Valoshka <375GNU@Gmail.COM> no 2013-09-24

All known versions for source package 'ruby-raindrops'
