Debian Patches

Status for ruby-rmagick/4.2.3-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0005-changed_predicate_spec-ensure-target-directory-exist.patch changed_predicate_spec: ensure target directory exists
When running the tests locally, ./tmp/ didn't exist. Write to a
temporary directory instead.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2021-10-12
0001-Bypass-version-check.patch Bypass version check
This is what SONAMEs are for.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2015-08-25
0002-Use-deterministic-label-for-image.patch Use deterministic label for image
this helps making the build reproducible
Chris Lamb <> no 2016-08-16
0003-Seed-RNG-to-0-during-builds.patch Seed RNG to 0 during builds
This helps making the build reproducible
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2016-08-16
0004-gemspec-drop-git-usage.patch gemspec: drop git usage Antonio Terceiro <> no 2016-12-03
0006-spec-skip-failing-tests.patch spec: skip failing tests
./spec/rmagick/image/read_spec.rb fails due to the default ImageMagick

I don't know yet why
./spec/rmagick/class_methods/limit_resources_spec.rb fails.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2021-10-12
0007-spec_helper-drop-require_relative-to-lib-directory.patch spec_helper: drop require_relative to lib directory
This makes it possible to run the test suite against the installed
packgae, and still just works in development due to how rspec works.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2021-10-12
0008-channel_mean_spec-fix-floating-point-comparison.patch channel_mean_spec: fix floating point comparison
You should not never floating point number for equality, because that is
not is not garanteed to work on some architectures. For example on a
Intel 32-bit userspace (i386) I get the following failure:

1) Magick::Image#channel_mean returns the mean and std. dev for the RedChannel
Failure/Error: expect(mean_and_stddev).to eq([125.25, expected_stddev])

expected: [125.25, 115.6730305646048]
got: [125.25, 115.67303056460482]

(compared using ==)
# ./spec/rmagick/image/channel_mean_spec.rb:14:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2021-10-12

All known versions for source package 'ruby-rmagick'
