Debian Patches

Status for ruby-tty-reader/0.7.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-bring-back-rspec-helper.patch The .rspec file is missing from the released gem The github repository for this library contains a .rspec file that makes it
possible to run tests on the source code. However, it is currently not
released within the gem file published on This makes it
impossible for the debian package build process to run tests without failing.
The file content is what can currently be found in the git repository for tag
ruby-tty-reader (0.7.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Initial release (Closes: #941403)
Gabriel Filion <> no debian
0001-drop-bundler.patch drop bundler Georg Faerber <> no 2020-02-13
0003-spec-helper-missing-require.patch The test suite refuses to run with ruby 2.7 Without this require line, ruby 2.7 fails to run the test suite. When the
"class StringIO" line is encountered, since the class is not defined, a new
class that inherits from Object is created and the majority of the expected
interface is missing.
This used to work in ruby 2.5 without the require line.
Upstream has already fixed this but the fix has yet to be released in a new
Gabriel Filion <> no 2020-03-10

All known versions for source package 'ruby-tty-reader'
