Debian Patches

Status for rust-tree-sitter-cli/0.20.8-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
skip-tests-using-fixtures.patch Ignore tests which rely on fixtures Upstream's git repo has a script/fetch-fixtures script which clones various
git repos to use for testing. These aren't distributed in the crate, so they
can't currently be tested.

writable-scratch-dir.patch Use CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR or CARGO_TARGET_DIR for generated test files CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/target is unwritable in autopkgtests, so it should only be
used as a last resort.
disable-benches.patch =================================================================== no
fix-char-signedness.patch =================================================================== no
gate-tests-atomic-u64.patch =================================================================== no
regex-syntax-0.8.patch Update for regex-syntax 0.8 Peter Michael Green <> no
relax-deps.patch Relax dependencies to match the packaged versions not-needed

All known versions for source package 'rust-tree-sitter-cli'
