Debian Patches

Status for sa-exim/4.2.1-22

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
api-limitations.patch Changes needed because Exim now exports only the symbols that are part of the official API. Magnus Holmgren <> no debian
spamc-args.patch Changes related to the arguments sent to spamc, namely thst we don't pass -d (SAspamcHost), -p (SAspamcPort), or -U (SAspamcSockPath)
if those options aren't set, as well as the new parameter -u (SAspamcUser).
Magnus Holmgren <> no debian
grey-clean-sender.patch Simplify the sender address so that senders using VERP, SRS, etc. hopefully won't be greylisted each and every time Magnus Holmgren <> no debian
save-path.patch Put saved mail in /var/spool/sa-exim instead of /var/spool/exim. no
improved-default-conf.patch Improvements (in my opinion) of the default sa-exim.conf Magnus Holmgren <> no
spamd-not-nobody.patch Don't recommend that spamd runs as nobody Magnus Holmgren <> no
readme.patch Other additions to README file(s) Sander Smeenk <> no debian
reproducible-build.patch Chris Lamb <> no 2016-07-18
greylisting-ipv6.patch Add IPv6 support to the Greylisting SpamAssassin plugin. The greylistfourthbyte option, for IPv6 addresses, means that all
addresses in the same /64 get whitelisted as a group.
invalid upstream
greylist-lint.patch Prevent warnings during spamassassin --lint Chaskiel Grundman <> invalid upstream
delete-ext-html-references.patch Delete references to images not distributed, and add base URL to make links work. In particular get rid of the external SourceForce logo, which caused a privacy breach. no
remove-header-crs.patch Delete carriage returns from header lines. When spamd gets a message with CRLF line endings, which it will when
the spool file is in wire format, it will return a message with CRLF
line endings, including the header. We will need to strip out the
sprintf_no_format_string.diff Do not invoke printf-like function without parameter. required for compat with exim 4.93 Andreas Metzler <> no debian vendor 2019-11-03
no_eval.patch no
encoding.patch Change a single letter in Acknowledgements.html from Latin-1 to UTF-8 and add a charset meta tag. no
localscan-6.0.patch Correct call to smtp_printf() no debian
printf-warnings.patch Eliminate most compiler warnings Changing the type of scantime and fulltime from time_t to int is
probably not only not a problem, but the right thing to do, as
they will contain time differences, not timestamps.
no debian

All known versions for source package 'sa-exim'
