Debian Patches

Status for sabnzbdplus/4.4.1+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
02_find_parts_in_usr_share.diff # Make the program find the interface templates, private python modules and icons under /usr/share no
04_use_config_when_daemon.diff # Use the normal configuration when run as a daemon no
08_disable_new_version_check.diff # Disable the builtin check for newer versions. no
09_remove_external_resources.diff # eliminate potential privacy breaches:
# - remove an iframe from the setup wizard, link instead
# - only run ip address discovery functions when debugging
# - only run certificate validation check when debugging
# - remove text-ad iframe from config->server
10_pytest_mods.diff # ensure the upstream testsuite works in the debian context:
# - make the tests find the packaged files
# - remove imports of unavailable modules (tavern)
# - fix selenium webdriver detection, workaround for #1050378

All known versions for source package 'sabnzbdplus'
