Debian Patches

Status for samdump2/3.0.0-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
10_ftbfs_link.patch Fixes a FTBFS linker bug
Ansgar Burchardt <> no debian vendor 2014-01-01
20_compiler_flags.patch The makefile overrides flags so you can't set them via d/rules or the environment.
Unit 193 <> no vendor 2014-01-04
30_install_infos.patch The makefile has a infos dep, but no target
Unit 193 <> no vendor 2014-01-16
40_manpage_formatting.patch Change the formatting in the manpage to make it more readable. * d/patches/manpage_formatting.patch: Make the manpage easier to read,
point to the 'GPL-2' rather than 'GPL' on Debian systems,
bad wathis manpage entry.

Unit 193 <> no 2014-06-04
50_openssl.patch fix a FTBFS with OpenSSL 1.1.0. (Closes: #828537)=================================================================== Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <> no 2016-11-22
60_rules_requires_root.patch no

All known versions for source package 'samdump2'
