Debian Patches

Status for saods9/8.2+repack-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fitsy-Compile-against-system-library-funtools.patch [fitsy] Compile against system library funtools Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
tcliis-Use-standard-path-for-imtoolsrc.patch [tcliis] Use standard path for imtoolsrc Ole Streicher <> no 2020-06-10
ds9-Don-t-load-TclTk-extensions-as-shared-libs-but-as-pac.patch [ds9] Don't load TclTk extensions as shared libs, but as packages
This allows one to start DS9 as a normal tk application without
special initialization.
Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
ds9-Use-FHS-documentation-directory.patch [ds9] Use FHS documentation directory
Instead putting the documentation into the common shared dir of ds9,
debian wants it in /usr/share/doc. This requires the help browser to
be adjusted.
Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
ds9-Make-the-doc-package-optional-by-disabling-the-help-m.patch [ds9] Make the "-doc" package optional by disabling the help menu Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
ds9-Add-the-Debian-packager-to-the-About-box.patch [ds9] Add the Debian packager to the "About" box Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
ds9-Don-t-close-DS9-when-closing-the-unpatched-tkcon-cons.patch [ds9] Don't close DS9 when closing the unpatched tkcon console
The original saods9 code contains a patched tkcon which replaced the
exit with hide. In Debian, we are using the unpatched package.

This solution was taken from
Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
tksao-Add-a-dummy-psscale.patch [tksao] Add a dummy psscale
The original code from ds9 uses a patched postscript code to allow
scaling. Since we use standard Tk, we cannor support this (postscript
scaling is silently ignored), but we need to support the global
variable "psScale" which Doug Mink hacked into to get the scaling.
Ole Streicher <> no 2016-12-16
tksao-Avoid-compile-time-warnings-and-errors.patch [tksao] Avoid compile time warnings and errors Justin Pryzby <> no 2016-12-16
tksao-Initialize-tkblt-stubs.patch [tksao] Initialize tkblt stubs
This resolves a crash when using vertical/horizontal graphs.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-04-14
tksao-Unconditionally-add-include-patch-to-libxml2.patch [tksao] Unconditionally add include patch to libxml2
This helps building on FreeBSD and GNU HURD.
Ole Streicher <> no 2019-11-01
util-Make-internalError-dummy.patch [util] Make internalError() dummy
The function uses a Tcl_Interp *global_interp which was never set and
therefore its use would lead to a SegFault.
Ole Streicher <> no 2020-06-11
Define-debuGZ-in-tclfitsy.patch Define debuGZ in tclfitsy Ole Streicher <> no 2020-11-12
Include-fitsy-object-files-in-tclfitsy.patch Include fitsy object files in tclfitsy Ole Streicher <> no 2020-11-12
Add-fitsy-objects-to-tksao.patch Add fitsy objects to tksao Ole Streicher <> no 2020-11-12
iis-add-libstdc.patch iis: add libstdc++ Ole Streicher <> no 2020-11-13
Use-ttk-themes-provided-by-the-system.patch Use ttk themes provided by the system
The themes used by saods9 will be provided as separate Debian
packages. They however have slightly different names, which is changed
by this patch.
Ole Streicher <> no 2020-11-17

All known versions for source package 'saods9'
