Debian Patches

Status for sasmodels/1.0.8-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Don-t-fail-when-pyc-files-in-usr-lib-can-t-be-remove.patch Don't fail when pyc files in /usr/lib can't be removed
sasview tries to open using load_module_from_path() but will be in a read-only location in /usr/lib so this
Stuart Prescott <> no 2025-02-04
0002-Switch-to-local-mathjax-for-documentation.patch Switch to local mathjax for documentation Stuart Prescott <> no 2025-02-04
0003-Set-library-location-to-pick-up-precompiled-models.patch Set library location to pick up precompiled models
models can be precompiled or compiled just-in-time; for a binary distribution such
as Debian, it makes sense to precompile the models and ship them in the package.
Stuart Prescott <> no 2025-02-04 Have install the precopmiled model files Stuart Prescott <> no 2025-02-04
0005-Clean-up-model-files-from-tests.patch Clean up model files from tests Debian Science Maintainers no 2025-02-04
0006-Updates-for-numpy-2.0.patch Updates for numpy 2.0 no 2024-10-28
scipy1.15_PR621.patch [PATCH 1/3] Fix errors due to scipy 1.15 release. Fixes #618 Paul Kienzle <> no 2025-01-10

All known versions for source package 'sasmodels'
