Debian Patches

Status for sasview/6.0.0-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
limit-docs-sasview.patch Skip building documentation for external modules This produces partly broken documentation where the sasview docs will be
missing various cross-references and information that would normally be
embedded. This patch should eventually be removed and the full documentation
built instead.
Stuart Prescott <> no
sphinx-local-mathjax.patch Switch to local mathjax for documentation Stuart Prescott <> no
sphinx-unicode.patch no
sphinx-sasview-path.patch no
sphinx-warnings-suppress.patch Suppress failures on sphinx warnings Upstream docs are supposed to build without warnings but actually generate
lots of warnings. Suppress failures from these sphinx warnings.
Stuart Prescott <> not-needed
docs-typo.patch no
setup-package-data.patch no
help-dir-location.patch no

All known versions for source package 'sasview'
