Debian Patches

Status for scala/2.11.12-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0006-ignore-test-dependencies.patch Ignore the test dependencies until they are all available in Debian. Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
0008-disable-lib-fetching.patch Fetch the dependencies from /usr/share/maven-repo instead of Maven Central Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
0009-local-repository.patch Define localRepository explicitly, otherwise the build will use the /nonexistent home directory which causes a FTBFS Markus Koschany <> not-needed
0010-bnd-2.1.0.patch bnd 2.1.0
Use Debian's bnd version.
Markus Koschany <> no 2015-11-16
0011-use-local-dependencies.patch Use the local version of the dependencies Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
0012-aether-ant-tasks.patch Build with the Aether Ant tasks instead of the Maven Ant tasks Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
0013-disable-jarlister.patch Disables the jarlister (not in Debian) Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
0014-disable-jdk-check.patch Don't fail the build if the version of the JDK isn't supported Emmanuel Bourg <> no
0015-java9-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 9 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
0016-nobootcp-by-default.patch Disables the boot classpath by default (-nobootcp) to run with Java 9 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
0017-bug912393.patch 0017-bug912393 Markus Koschany <> not-needed debian 2018-11-10
0018-bytebuffer-backward-compatibility.patch Preserves the compatibility with Java 8 when compiling with Java 11 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
0019-java17-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with OpenJDK 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> yes upstream

All known versions for source package 'scala'
