Debian Patches

Status for scowl/2020.12.07-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove_mys remove non-word mys from scowl word list Don Armstrong <> no
no-zips.diff avoid worldlist*zip and hunspell*zip for hunspell Let's not create worldlist*zip and hunspell*zip for hunspell. We are not going
to distribute them or use them in any way. Saves us a zip build-depdency
but more importantly it does not create "binary" files in speller/hunspell
we would need to manually remove it clean.
Rene Engelhard <> no
move_sangs_to_insane Move sangs from -35 to -95; it's an obscure plural of a plant See #861025 for details Don Armstrong <> no
deprecate_reprized no
hunspell_size_70 no
fix_hunspell_affix no
ignore_bdic no

All known versions for source package 'scowl'
