Debian Patches

Status for sendemail/1.56-5.2~bpo12+1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix_ssl_version.patch Fix ssl enabled bug. Alejandro Garrido Mota <> no debian
add-ipv6-support.patch Add IPV6 support Roman Mamedov <> no debian
local-sendmail.patch Add support for the use of a local sendmail binary If the -S option is specified (with an optional argument being the path to the
sendmail binary to use), sendEmail delegates the SMTP dance to the locate MTA,
and simply generates the message and passes it on to the sendmail utility (-bm
This is particularly useful when no actual sendmail runs on the machine, but
the email-sending logic is centralised around something like sSMTP which
masquerades as a normal sendmail binary.
Olivier Mehani <> no
fix_tls_hostname_verification.patch Fix TLS hostname verification. Unit 193 <> no upstream

All known versions for source package 'sendemail'
