Debian Patches

Status for seqmagick/0.8.6-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
biopython_1.71_dual_coding_support.patch [PATCH] Fix for Biopython 1.71 dual coding support.
This closes issue #73, indirectly triggered by changes
in Biopython to support recent NCBI codon tables with
codons which can be amino acids of stop codons.

Previously the monkey-patched sub-class was breaking here:

dual_coding = [c for c in stop_codons if c in forward_table]

This change adds direct support for __contains__ by
forwarding this to the wrapped forward table.
peterjc <> no 2018-05-29
pytest.patch replace nosetests by pytest nosetests 1 is not maintained anymore and going to be removed from Debian.
Étienne Mollier <> not-needed 2021-11-28
replace-ungap.patch fix test failure due to call to deprecated ungap. Étienne Mollier <> yes debian 2024-03-17

All known versions for source package 'seqmagick'
