Debian Patches

Status for slic3r-prusa/2.8.0+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Stop-building-test_voronoi.cpp.patch Stop building test_voronoi.cpp
test_voronoi.cpp compmilation hangs forever, see
Disable test_voronoi.cpp to fix the FTBFS until that is fixed.
Chow Loong Jin <> no debian 2021-11-21
Drop-lcereal.patch Drop -lcereal
libcereal in Debian has become a header-only library, so drop the link
Chow Loong Jin <> no 2022-02-25
Drop-OpenCASCADE-version-from-find_package.patch Drop OpenCASCADE version from find_package()
This blocks the package from being backported otherwise.
Chow Loong Jin <> no 2022-08-24 Move into package-specific libdir Chow Loong Jin <> no 2022-08-30
Add-missing-include-TDocStd_Document.hxx-in-OCCTWrapper.c.patch Add missing #include "TDocStd_Document.hxx" in OCCTWrapper.cpp
This fixes FTBFS with OpenCASCADE 7.5.1
Chow Loong Jin <> no 2022-08-30
Fix-segfault-due-to-uninitialized-imgui-in-wxwidgets3.2.patch Fix segfault due to uninitialized imgui in wxwidgets3.2 no debian 2022-12-08
Disable-preset-update-and-version-check-by-default.patch Disable preset update and app version check by default

Antoni Villalonga <> not-needed debian vendor 2023-09-28
Patch-tests-for-Catch2-v3-compatibility.patch Patch tests for Catch2 v3 compatibility Gregor Riepl <> yes debian upstream 2023-11-02
Explicit-wxWidgets-initializers.patch Use explicit initializers for two wxWidgets function calls

wxWidgets added support for initializer lists to some of their functions, in
a way that clashes with some overloads in the PrusaSlicer source code. These
issues can be worked around with an explicit instantiation of the
std::vector, which is what this patch does.
Gregor Riepl <> no debian Debian 2023-11-29
Update-OCCT_LIBS-list-to-be-compatible-with-OpenCASCADE-7.patch Update OCCT_LIBS list to be compatible with OpenCASCADE 7.8.0 restructure Chow Loong Jin <> no 2024-06-09
Improve-ExtrusionLine-simplify-to-fix-very-short-extrude-.patch Improve ExtrusionLine::simplify to fix very-short extrude moves Seth LaForge <> no 2023-11-30
Link-against-libcrypto.patch Link against libcrypto
Required to fix the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: slic3r/liblibslic3r_gui.a(UserAccountCommunication.cpp.o):
undefined reference to symbol 'EVP_DigestInit_ex@@OPENSSL_3.0.0'
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO
missing from command line
Chow Loong Jin <> no 2024-07-03

All known versions for source package 'slic3r-prusa'
