Debian Patches

Status for srst2/0.2.0-12

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
check_command_line_arguments.patch Check command line arguments before processing Andreas Tille <> no 2015-12-07
add_usr_bin_python_to_scripts.patch Add missing interpreter line Andreas Tille <> no 2016-05-31
fix_test.patch Update test for recent version Ryan Wick <> no Upstream commit cd93cde1f2e4639db426e8b57b6ec5d278c0d02f 2016-08-22
fix_grep_call.patch Do not fail if search string contains special shell characters Andreas Tille <> no debian 2017-03-01
2to3.patch Use 2to3 to port from Python2 to Python3 Andreas Tille <> no debian 2019-12-11
biopython-1.78.patch remove imports of Bio.Alphabet This is needed for compatibility with Biopython 1.78. Étienne Mollier <> yes upstream 2020-11-10

All known versions for source package 'srst2'
