Debian Patches

Status for starjava-table/4.3.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Remove-reference-to-HTM-pixellation.patch Remove reference to HTM pixellation
HTM pixellation is not free:

The software and information contained herein are proprietary to The
Johns Hopkins University, Copyright 1999. This software is furnished
pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such
license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
software and information or any other copies thereof may not be
provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-20
Fix-build.xml-for-use-outside-of-starjava.patch Fix build.xml for use outside of starjava
This includes the following changes:

* Rename the `extclasspath` elements to `path`. With ant >= 1.6, there is no
difference (and before, the difference was not relevant for Debian)

* Ignore local property files

* Change the starlink installation dir to the standard Java path /usr/share/java/

* Prefix the name by `starlink-`

* Adjust the build and test classpaths for Debian (also for CI tests)

* Set a class path in the jar manifest

* Set the source file encoding (cp1252), but not the source version (deprecated)

* Don't sign the jarfile
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-16
Exclude-some-tests.patch Exclude some tests
FormatsTest and StorageTest depend on fits and votable, which shall
not be build-deps to avoid circular dependencies. So, during build we can't
test them. However, for CI tests we have everything available, and they
will be included in the test.

The FormatsTest needs to be adjusted to the supported formats.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-20
Clearly-mark-this-version-as-Debian.patch Clearly mark this version as Debian Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-15
Lower-message-level-if-reader-package-was-not-found.patch Lower message level if reader package was not found
This is common in Debian, because we don't include all readers/writers.
Ole Streicher <> no 2025-03-11

All known versions for source package 'starjava-table'
