Debian Patches

Status for starjava-topcat/4.9.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Remove-plastic-support.patch Remove plastic support
Plastic is very outdated now, and should not be used anymore. This enables
to remove a number of dependencies.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-01-05
Remove-SOG-references.patch Remove SOG references
SoG -- Son of GAIA -- is an extension of ESO JSkycat which can display
the HDX/NDX format, as well as FITS and NDF images.

SOG is optional in topcat and is removed to reduce the dependencies.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-01-09
Remove-FitsReaderSpi.patch Remove FitsReaderSpi Ole Streicher <> no 2017-01-09
Remove-edu.jhu.htm-reference.patch Remove edu.jhu.htm reference
The license statement for the HTM package is:

The software and information contained herein are proprietary to The
Johns Hopkins University, Copyright 1999. This software is furnished
pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such
license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
software and information or any other copies thereof may not be
provided or otherwise made available to any other person.

(see src/edu/jhu/htm/app/ from the source

This license is not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines,
therefore the HTM package cannot be used in Debian. This patch (which
itself is licensed LGPL-2.1 as starjava-topcat itself) removes the
references to this package. This will however not decrease
functionality, since with Healpix a more modern variant of
all-sky-pixellization is included in Topcat, and HTM was anyway only
of historic and debugging interest.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-17
Fix-build.xml-for-use-outside-of-starjava.patch Fix build.xml for use outside of starjava
This includes the following changes:

* Rename the `extclasspath` elements to `path`. With ant >= 1.6, there is no
difference (and before, the difference was not relevant for Debian)

* Ignore local property files

* Change the starlink installation dir to the standard Java path /usr/share/java/

* Prefix the name by `starlink-`

* Adjust the build and test classpaths for Debian (also for CI tests)

* Set a class path in the jar manifest

* Set the source file encoding (cp1252), but not the source version (deprecated)

* Don't sign the jarfile
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-17 Add
This file is copied from Aladin.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-17
Fix-Icon-path-in-jhall.jar.patch Fix Icon path in jhall.jar Ole Streicher <> no 2017-02-23
Remove-references-to-xdoc-and-ttools.patch Remove references to xdoc and ttools
xdoc is not available as Debian package. And both xdoc and ttools are
not available as sources during the build, so that they can't be
accessed here. This leads to a substantial decrease in the help
system, but I have no idea how to make this better.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-03
Adjust-classpath-in-topcat-script.patch Adjust classpath in topcat script Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-03
Add-XSLT-sheets-for-conversion-of-the-xml-documentation-t.patch Add XSLT sheets for conversion of the xml documentation to javahelp and html.

The files were taken from the "xdoc" package, which is not available in Debian:
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-03
Use-a-local-copy-of-the-XSLT-stylesheets-instead-of-xdoc.patch Use a local copy of the XSLT stylesheets instead of xdoc
Since we are using plain xslt, new files are created with
<xsl:result-document> from xslt2 using the Saxon processor.
Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-31
Don-t-call-home-for-new-version-by-default.patch Don't call home for new version by default Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-06
Clearly-mark-this-version-as-Debian.patch Clearly mark this version as Debian Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-15
Remove-GBIN-references.patch Remove GBIN references Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-31
Make-CDF-optional.patch Make CDF optional Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-31
Remove-MIRAGE-references.patch Remove MIRAGE references Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-31
Remove-references-to-SRB-and-MySpace.patch Remove references to SRB and MySpace Ole Streicher <> no 2017-03-31
Use-android-json.patch Use android json
The original org.json code is not packaged for Debian because of its
license, and the android variant is a bit outdated now.

The libjson-java code is different and contains net.sf.json (which
however has classes of the same name...)
Ole Streicher <> no 2018-05-28
Disable-HAPI-interface.patch Disable HAPI interface
HAPI is the Heliophysics Data Application Programmer’s Interface,
a time series download and streaming format specification.

In Debian, we still don't have the hapi module included; so it
is disabled here.
Ole Streicher <> no 2024-05-23

All known versions for source package 'starjava-topcat'
