Debian Patches

Status for statsmodels/0.13.5+dfsg-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
use-cached-datasets Use cached datasets in tests and examples
Also remove a download that isn't actually used in that example.

This allows the tests to pass, and at least some of the examples to
be built, in an offline environment such as a Debian buildd.

The cached data is extracted from R packages by debian/datasets/*.
Diane Trout <>, Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
up_reduce_test_precision to prevent failed test on i386 Yaroslav Halchenko <> invalid upstream
use-system-inventory Use intersphinx inventory files from other Debian packages. Diane Trout <>, Rebecca N. Palmer not-needed
use_available_data.patch Use example data from an R package we have Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
i386_loosen_test_tolerances.patch Loosen tolerances on some tests on i386
and xfail a test that fails for not producing ConvergenceWarning.

Failure logs:

As it only fails on i386 and isn't far wrong,
I suspect different rounding due to x87 excess precision
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
python3_shebangs.patch Use Python 3 in script shebangs
(Skipping the two .pyx files with #!python - they need to be compiled
with Cython, not directly run with any version of plain Python)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
use_tmp_path.patch Don't try to write to the source directory
Not allowed in autopkgtest
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
944054_flaky_tests.patch Xfail or loosen tolerances on flaky tests
The test_nondiagonal_obs_cov one hasn't yet been seen in Debian
but is known in upstream CI:
Rebecca N. Palmer <>, Graham Inggs no debian
sphinx_autosummary.patch Make the module reference tables appear
Our numpydoc is old enough to still need this manually set
Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed upstream
no_sphinx_material.patch Don't try to use a theme we don't have
Upstream switched to sphinx_material in
and Debian doesn't have that theme.

(I haven't investigated packaging it, which might be a better long-term option.)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
sphinx_ignore_errors.patch Don't fail documentation build on examples exceptions
If example code outputs an error when run,
ipython (ipython:: blocks) now fails the whole build by default,
and tools/ (.ipynb files) now leaves out that file
(leaving a broken link in the examples index).

As some examples use downloaded data and are hence expected to be
unrunnable on a Debian buildd, this instead keeps them
(::ipython with error output, .ipynb without output).
Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
fix_test_bounds.patch Avoid NaN crash in test_structural
Out-of-range frequency.cycle starting values make untransform_params return NaN,
which crashes summary()
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
sphinx_local_requirejs.patch Use local requirejs/mathjax Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
spelling.patch Fix typos Rebecca N. Palmer <> no lintian
xfail_no_multiprocessing.patch Allow tests to fail if multiprocessing is not available
This is currently the case on hurd-i386
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
remove_ccbysa_snippet.patch Remove code from Stack Overflow and wasteful loop
Stack Overflow content is CC-BY-SA licensed,
which this package is not supposed to be. This snippet may be
too small to be copyrightable, but removing it to be safe.
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
968210_warn_armel_untested.patch Warn that armel may be broken
armel tests sometimes crash (ignored in d/rules)
Wrong answers have previously been seen on armel, and
could be hidden by the crash
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
997081_xfail.patch Xfail / increase tolerance on tests
TestMICE and test_mixedlm vary enough with the random state, and
corrpsd is close enough to 0, that this is plausibly a rounding non-bug
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes debian
xfail_i386_ets.patch test_seasonal_order fails on i386
Warn on use and xfail
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
1014884_loosen_test_tolerances.patch Avoid test failure on mipsel Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian upstream
1020060_loosen_test_tolerance.patch Loosen tolerance on a possibly unstable test Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes debian
dont_match_seconds.patch Don't require times to match to the second
Avoids random failures on slow buildds (twice seen on armhf)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
mips_ignore_nonwarning.patch Ignore missing HessianInversionWarning on some mips* Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
1030208_scipy1p10.patch Avoid cast exception in np.bincount Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
mips_ignore_nonconverge.patch Ignore a failure to converge on mipsel
(Seen to fail in 0.13.5+dfsg-5, twice on mipsel.
Not a plain mark.xfail to not accept "converged" to the wrong answer.)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
knockoff.patch Loosen tolerance on knockoff test and fix link
This failed to build on Ubuntu (but not Debian) s390x
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes

All known versions for source package 'statsmodels'
