Debian Patches

Status for stopt/5.12+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Python_in_CMakeLists.patch looking for Python3 instead of Python - First we put the upstream CMakeModules folder after the pristine
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, as some of those files are provided by Debian packages.
- Then we use find_package(Python3) instead of find_package(Python),
and of find_package(NumPy) which invokes find_package(PythonInterp).
- Some variables thus need to be changed in the remaining of the file.
Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2022-02-21
remove_useless_import_in_test.patch removing matplotlib import, which is nod used Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2021-12-05
precision_on_ppc64el.patch omit tests for American options in 3D and 4D on ppc64el, as precision issues with stopt have been raised multiple times on this arch. Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2022-03-24
no_search_of_Python3.patch skipping the search of Python3 using the CMake find-package mechanism. Instead we provide the needed variables in debian/rules. This is
to avoid errors when multiple versions of Python3 are co-installed.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-11-18
oversubscribe_flag.patch letting the possible --oversubscribe flag of mpiexec be written by debian/rules, as it won't be understood by mpich. Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2024-07-24
static_and_shared_libs_in_cmake.patch modifying the CMakeList.txt files to be able to build both static and shared libraries, also with and without MPI support.
Also reporting the version and soversion defined in d/rules.
Pierre Gruet <>
Xavier Warin <> not-needed 2021-10-22
omit_upstream_compiler_flags.patch removing upstream compiler flags, to accept the default C++ version and avoid -fPIC for static libs.
Just letting DNDEBUG flag to deactivate meaningless asserts.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2021-11-29
installing_StOptCDF.patch StOptCDF does not get installed in CMakeLists.txt Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2021-10-29
adding_python_shebangs.patch adding a shebang with /usr/bin/python3 to example Python scripts we are shipping when they are meant to be executed. Pierre Gruet <> invalid 2021-10-30
path_of_built_binaries_in_CMakeLists.patch built binaries are not placed in a bin/ subdirectory Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2021-11-24
remove_geners_from_CMakeLists.patch indicating system paths for geners in CMakeLists.txt geners is provided by a Debian package. Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2021-11-15

All known versions for source package 'stopt'
