Debian Patches

Status for suitesparse/1:7.9.0+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
do-not-build-graphblas.patch Do not build GraphBLAS documentation GraphBLAS is not built from src:suitesparse (see the list of enabled projects in debian/rules).
It is provided independently by src:suitesparse-graphblas, and we do
For the documentation, we still rely on on the old Makefile, so we have to disable it there.
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2023-01-04
disable-tests.patch Disable some Mongoose tests that fail The test failures have not been investigated.
Some of those tests also download stuff from the internet.
Some of those tests also need a Python interpreter, so if they were to be
enabled, python would have to be added as a build dependency.
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2024-01-05
SPEXpy.patch Fix filename of shared libspexpython (and harcode SOVERSION) Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2024-08-10

All known versions for source package 'suitesparse'
