Debian Patches

Status for sysbench/1.0.20+ds-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_dont_require_third_party.diff # Don't require third_party dir present for build after removing it via
# uscan and an exclude in d/copyright.
# In the upstream releases, the third_party dir contains convenience
# copies for a number of libraries including luajit, ck and cram. None
# of these are needed by this debian package as it relies entirely on
# system libraries instead.
03_dont_install_tests_in_binary_pkg.diff # Don't install tests into the binary pkg, already run at build time no
04_strip_env_from_shebang.diff # Strip env from shebang, replace with full path of sysbench executable
# Not doing this leads to something (debhelper?) attempting a similar
# change during build, resulting in a shebang of just #!sysbench which
# won't work (and also earns a lintian hit).
05_use_python3_version_of_cram.diff # make the test script find python3 and cram3 no
06_dont_add_git_commit_hash_to_version_string.diff # Prevent git commit hashes from becoming part of the program's version string no

All known versions for source package 'sysbench'
