Debian Patches

Status for system-tools-backends/2.10.2-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_kfreebsd.diff no
02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch no
03_hostname.patch =================================================================== yes debian upstream
04_empty_ntp.patch bgo#449267 - Don't create empty NTP configuration files
If /etc/ntp.conf (or the platform equivalent) doesn't exist, then merely
synchronising the clock in time-admin would create it as an empty file.
This caused other time syncing problems later (see e.g.
Colin Watson <> no 2010-12-06
05_fix_selfconfig.patch =================================================================== no
06_fix_policy_user_root.patch DBus policy user should be not "0" but "root". Andriy Grytsenko <> no
07_fix-ntp-servers.patch In the function apply_ntp_date, from the module NTP, a misuse ofvariables prevents the list of servers from being initialized correctly
when the the parameter @config is empty.

diff --git a/Time/ b/Time/
index 026ba3e..f2184a2 100644
Christophe Masson <> no

All known versions for source package 'system-tools-backends'
