Debian Patches

Status for tango/10.0.2+dfsg1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-debian-fix_database_scripts.patch debian/fix_database_scripts
update the database creation script to deal with the debian path
=?utf-8?b?UGljY2EgRnLDg8KpZMODwqlyaWMtRW1tYW51ZWw=?= no 2011-03-22 debian/
set the right parameters for the mysql configuration file
=?utf-8?q?Picca_Fr=C3=A9d=C3=A9ric-Emmanuel?= <> no 2012-09-15
0003-remove-upstream-built-doc-from-cmake.patch doc/html is being excluded in d/copyright.

So we need to remove this subdir from doc/CMakeLists.txt
=?utf-8?q?Santiago_Ruano_Rinc=C3=B3n?= <> not-needed 2024-09-25
0001-assets-CMakeLists.txt-Use-new-package-root-variable-.patch [PATCH 1/2] assets/CMakeLists.txt: Use new package root variable to override location

From 5192f5ff7a95cae1ae22f2452eb39fd4ba924794 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

Since the move to using find_package in cppTango, ca0754ba (Merge branch
'use-find_package-for-deps' into 'release/9.5.0', 2023-09-14), our
hack to override the tangoidl include directory does not work anymore.

This was hidden as the tsd/debian12:v1 docker image used for testing also
contained tangoidl.

Fix that by using the correct tangoidl_ROOT variable for overriding.
Thomas Braun <> no 2023-12-08
0001-Fix-timestamp-columns-in-Mariadb-10.11-and-newer.patch [PATCH] Fix timestamp columns in Mariadb 10.11 and newer
This problem appears in MariaDb 10.11 since default value of
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp changed from OFF to ON, setting it to
OFF (set global explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=OFF;) make the work properly.

Initial patch by Santiago Ruano Rincón with refinements by Graziano

Upgrade script and tests by the author.
Thomas Braun <> no 2024-10-27
1090173-sphinx-conf.patch Update sphinx config to fix FTBFS Fixes the following error:
ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping[''].
Expected a two-element tuple or list.

Santiago Ruano Rincón <> not-needed debian backport,

All known versions for source package 'tango'
