Debian Patches

Status for telegram-desktop/3.1.1+ds-1~deb11u2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Missing-includes.patch Include a missing header in the codegen subproject Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2021-09-25
Ignore-emoji-pack.patch Ignore emoji pack in super-large emoji rendering It is necessary to build against the unpatched rLottie lib.
Although latest versions of the library already support theme overriding, we
patch the rLottie calls here for easy backporing to buster.
Nicholas Guriev <> not-needed 2021-08-12
Link-atomic.patch Link against libatomic from GCC to fix build for 64-bit RISC-V Nicholas Guriev <> yes commit:cf40d1e4b8cbe9a51e55d1acd590f087d535626e 2021-08-15
Advise-Open-Sans.patch Debian-specific advice about recommended fonts-open-sans package Nicholas Guriev <> not-needed 2021-02-13
Disable-register-custom-scheme.patch Do not force custom scheme registration in user's directory A user still can call to this method via "registertg" cheat code in Settings. Nicholas Guriev <> no 2021-02-07
Do-not-sync-wallpaper.patch Do not upload wallpaper after updating or login * This behaviour may be unexpected for a user and cause to leak
private pictures to the remote server.
* The patch prevents the checkUploadWallPaper() method from being
called during startup initialization. The user still has an
opportunity to send his subsequent wallpapers to Telegram Cloud.
To do this, he can click on the link "Choose from file".
Nicholas Guriev <> yes upstream 2019-07-27
Exclude-QWaylandXdgShellIntegration.patch Exclude bundled xdg-shell plugin Prefer system-wide Wayland integration instead. Nicholas Guriev <> no 2021-07-31
No-random-popups.patch Internal setting for hide popups overlapping other controls Create an empty "nopopupdropdown" file in the "tdata" directory to activate
the changes: `touch ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/tdata/nopopupdropdown`.
There is a cheat code of the same name on the Settings page.
Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2021-02-27
Packed-resources.patch Dynamically load packed resources from separate file This reduces amount of main memory required for linking stage. Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2020-10-01
Really-disable-crash-reports.patch Exclude crash reports by means of macro Thanks to this I do not worry about backporting eliminated code. Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2021-08-11
Skip-jemalloc.patch Do not require jemalloc at runtime Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2021-07-29
Skip-RNNoise.patch RNNoise free build Nicholas Guriev <> yes 2021-07-29
Backport-to-ancient-GCC.patch Add necessary conversions for GCC 8.3.0. Nicholas Guriev <> no 2021-08-12
Backport-to-legacy-GSL.patch Revert modifications for GSL 3.0.0 Nicholas Guriev <> no 2021-08-12
Backport-to-stable-Qt.patch Conditional build against old Qt versions. Some features of the app work only with most recent Qt. That means custom
window frame and Wayland integration are not available in backports-sloppy.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2021-08-12
Keep-old-settings.patch Disable poorly tested acceleration with OpenGL A user can still re-enable this in Advanced Settings. Nicholas Guriev <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'telegram-desktop'
