Debian Patches

Status for terminaltables/3.1.10-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
debian/0001-google-analytics.patch Disable Google Analytics extension for building the documentation with Sphinx.
diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/docs/ terminaltables/docs/
Carl Suster <> no
debian/0002-html-output.patch Description:
We would like for the HTML source files to be installed, and they are
needed for the search page. In theory this could be done by passing an
argument `-Dhtml_copy_source=1` in debian/rules, however this causes
HAS_SOURCE to be equal to 1 instead of True so dh_sphinxdoc fails with a
"doesn't look like a Sphinc search page" error.

diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/docs/ terminaltables/docs/
Carl Suster <> no
debian/0003-python-shebang.patch Use python3 shebang on examples.
diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/ terminaltables/
Carl Suster <> no
debian/0004-quiet-stdout.patch Avoid writing bytes to stdout In Python 3, bytes should be written to the underlying buffer object
rather than directly to stdout. This was causing legitimate test

diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/terminaltables/ terminaltables/terminaltables/
Carl Suster <> no
debian/0005-sphinx-meta.patch Replacing non-functioning imports with static values for the time being.
diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/docs/ terminaltables/docs/
Daniel Baumann <> no
debian/0006-sphinx-extlinks.patch Building documentation for the time being without sphinx extlinks extensions to fix FTBFS (Closes: #1042605).

diff -Naurp terminaltables.orig/docs/ terminaltables/docs/
Daniel Baumann <> no

All known versions for source package 'terminaltables'
