Debian Patches

Status for tiff/4.5.1+git230720-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
no_smartquotes.patch Don't use smartquotes for Sphinx Don't let Sphinx inconsistently alter quotes and dashes in rst files. Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <> no debian 2023-01-12
CVE-2023-6277.patch [PATCH] Prevent some out-of-memory attacks
Some small fuzzer files fake large amounts of data and provoke out-of-memory situations. For non-compressed data content / tags, out-of-memory can be prevented by comparing with the file size.

At image reading, data size of some tags / data structures (StripByteCounts, StripOffsets, StripArray, TIFF directory) is compared with file size to prevent provoked out-of-memory attacks.

See issue
Su Laus <> no 2023-10-31
CVE-2023-52355.patch [PATCH] manpage: Update TIFF documentation about TIFFOpenOptions.rst and TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc() usage and some other small fixes. Su_Laus <> no 2023-11-08
CVE-2023-52356.patch [PATCH] TIFFReadRGBAStrip/TIFFReadRGBATile: add more validation of col/row (fixes #622) Even Rouault <> no 2023-10-31

All known versions for source package 'tiff'
