Debian Patches

Status for tina/0.1.14-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
test-timeout.patch Raise a test timeout for busy environments Peter Pentchev <> invalid debian 2025-01-28
test-send-keys-wait.patch Tests: wait a while after sending keys to tina Make the tests wait for a little while after each send-keys
command to make it less probable that we check for something
before tina has had a chance to do it in busy environments
Wait for a little longer when telling tina to save the database
before we check the file on disk.
Peter Pentchev <> invalid 2025-01-28
test-capture-pane.patch Yet another attempt to figure out what goes wrong Dump the contents of the tina pane on a test failure. Peter Pentchev <> invalid 2025-01-29

All known versions for source package 'tina'
