Debian Patches

Status for tinc/1.0.36-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
support-etc-defaults-tinc no
fix-incorrect-icmpv6-checksum Dear Guus,

I have been using tinc since 2009 and it is great!

When PMTUDiscovery=yes and Mode=switch, and if ipv6 is used inside
tinc, the ICMPv6 "Packet Too Big" packets have incorrect checksums.
It can be reproduced by `ping6 <host in tinc> -s 1800` and `tcpdump -i
<tinc interface>`. Consequently, the host ignores the tinc-generated
ICMPv6 packets, PMTUDiscovery does not work and the connections freeze
when data flows are big.

I find the bug is gone if the function "inet_checksum" in route.c is
not inlined, either by compiling tinc with "-O2
-fno-inline-functions", or apply a patch such as,

diff --git a/src/route.c b/src/route.c
index ff82c06e..cd55383a 100644

All known versions for source package 'tinc'
