Debian Patches

Status for tomcat10/10.1.25-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0004-split-deploy-webapps-target-from-deploy-target.patch [PATCH] split deploy-webapps target from deploy target Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2010-06-28
0005-skip-test-failures.patch Ignore the failing tests Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed 2023-01-16 [PATCH] Use file in Make sure uses the Debian/Ubuntu file location when
Tomcat is started with a security manager.
Adam Guthrie <> not-needed debian 2010-06-28
0010-debianize-build-xml.patch Disable usage of embedded library copies James Pages <> no 2011-05-16
0013-dont-look-for-build-properties-in-user-home.patch Don't look for in the user home directory.

This directory doesn't exist on the builders and the attempt to load
a property file there causes a build failure.
Jakub Adam <> not-needed 2023-01-16
0018-fix-manager-webapp.patch This patch changes the manager path from webapps/manager to

"" <> no 2013-08-01
0019-add-distribution-to-error-page.patch Adds the name of the distribution to the version of Tomcat

reported on the error pages (i.e. 'Apache Tomcat/8.0.x (Debian)')
Yolanda Robla <> not-needed debian 2023-01-16
0023-disable-shutdown-by-socket.patch Disables the shutdown port (8005) by default Emmanuel Bourg <> no 2023-01-16
0024-systemd-log-formatter.patch Adds a log formatter suitable for systemd Emmanuel Bourg <> no 2023-01-16
0025-invalid-configuration-exit-status.patch Fix the exit status when Tomcat terminates because the configuration is invalid Emmanuel Bourg <> yes upstream 2023-01-16
0026-easymock4-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with the version of Easymock in Debian Emmanuel Bourg <> no 2023-01-16
0021-dont-test-unsupported-ciphers.patch 0021-dont-test-unsupported-ciphers
Don't check the IDEA cipher during the tests since it is disabled in Debian (see #327739)
Also ignore ARIA which is disabled by default in OpenSSL.
Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2021-09-24
exclude-TestJNDIRealmIntegration.patch exclude TestJNDIRealmIntegration
Exclude because it FTBFS due to missing
Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2021-09-24
disable-jacoco.patch disable-jacoco Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2023-02-01

All known versions for source package 'tomcat10'
