Debian Patches

Status for tox/4.24.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
docs-remove-shields-io-badges.patch Remove references to
This leaks metadata to the web, and rightfully triggers lintian's
privacy-breach errors.
Faidon Liambotis <> not-needed 2023-02-24
sphinx-manpage-conf.patch Generate the manpage from docs/
Generate a basic manpage, leveraging sphinx_argparse_cli.
Faidon Liambotis <> yes upstream 2023-02-24
intersphinx-mapping-local.patch Point intersphinx_mapping at local Python docs
This reserves references to the stdlib. See #1032593 for proposed ways to avoid
carrying this (extremely common) patch.
Faidon Liambotis <> not-needed 2023-02-27

All known versions for source package 'tox'
