Debian Patches

Status for transmission-remote-gtk/1.5.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
avoidRssGlib.diff Don't touch rss-glib if RSS is disabled
rss-glib is licensed under the LGPLv3 or later. src/hig.c, src/hig.h,
src/torrent-cell-renderer.c, and src/torrent-cell-renderer.h are licensed under
the GPLv2 only. Therefore, transmission-remote-gtk must be built without RSS to
avoid a GPL violation.

Disabling RSS with --without-libmrss should be enough to ensure this happens.
In the interest of defence in depth, however, conditionalize references to
rss-glib from within the build system. As an added bonus, this speeds up build
time by not building code which will never get linked.
Benjamin Barenblat <> yes upstream
disable-test-networking.diff Prevent tests from attempting network access Benjamin Barenblat <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'transmission-remote-gtk'
