Debian Patches

Status for tryton-client/6.0.26-1+deb12u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-desktop-icon.patch Adjust name of the icon to be used for the desktop file. Daniel Baumann <> no
02-icon-search-path.patch Adjust icon search path to policy conforming place. Daniel Baumann <>, Mathias Behrle <> no
03-disable-version-check.patch Disable the version check for new upstream versions. This check can mainly serve certain closed source binary distributions,
but is not adequate for free distributions managing their packages with
their respective package manager. Users of those free distributions will
only be confused by the announce of a new version and will in the worst
case spoil their system by trying to install a version provided by the
upstream link.
The unfriendlyness of this 'feature' was extensivly discussed to no avail
Mathias Behrle <> not-needed upstream
04-send-gzip-only-with-session.patch Send gzip content only when in a session. To prevent zip bomb attacks the server accepts since
only compressed content from authenticated users.
This patch allows only to send gzip content within a session.
Cédric Krier <> not-needed upstream

All known versions for source package 'tryton-client'
