Debian Patches

Status for typer/0.15.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-Replace-mkdocs-material-remove-mkdocs-extensions.patch Replace mkdocs material with readthedocs markdown_extensions
Even thought mkdocs-material is packaged in Debian, using it and the
markdown_extensions will cause many privacy-breach-generic lintians.
This patch hasrequired minimum maintenance since it was introduced,
so using mkdocs default theme solves the problem for now. Additionally,
the mdx_include extension remains to be packaged.
Sergio de Almeida Cipriano Junior <> not-needed 2025-01-01
0005-Removing-images-that-causes-privacy-breach-generic.patch Removing images that causes privacy-breach-generic
Sections that specifically serve to add external images were completely removed.
Sergio de Almeida Cipriano Junior <> not-needed 2021-02-13

All known versions for source package 'typer'
