Debian Patches

Status for uhd/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
debian-images-installation-path [PATCH 11/11] debian images installation path
Quick fix for the default Debian package location for images.
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <> no 2021-07-01
debian-mathjax-relpath debian-mathjax-relpath
Debian packages use locally installed mathjax.
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <> no
doxygen-pdf [PATCH 04/11] doxygen pdf
Generate PDF documentation as part of build.
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <> no 2020-08-31
revert-cmake-allow-UHD-library-and-utilities-to-be-in-separ revert patch cmake: allow UHD library and utilities to be in separate lib directories

Users of the module feature expect ${LIB_SUFFIX} to be in the path
for modules. The commit of Wed, 15 Jun 2016 09:44:54 -0700
broke that convention.
A. Maitland Bottoms <> no
rfnoc-blocks-track-runtime-abi [PATCH 07/11] rfnoc blocks track runtime abi
Including ABI version in paths allows multiple versions of libuhd
to be installed at once, easing transition conflicts.
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <> no 2020-12-21
obsolete-man-page obsolete man page
Do not install usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner.1
A. Maitland Bottoms <> no
omit-build-path omit build path
Support reproducible builds by replacing references to the build path.
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <> no
fix-python-syntax-warning no
1000-appstream-metainfo.patch Added AppStream metainfo XML with hardware provide info. This allow isenkram to propose this package when the relevant hardware is
Petter Reinholdtsen no 2024-08-20

All known versions for source package 'uhd'
