Debian Patches

Status for uhexen2/1.5.9+git20230520.3380711+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
syntax_checking.patch This is a hack to unix-ify the Hammer of Thyrion (uHexen2) command line.
Its purpose is to catch mis-spelt options such as "-fullscrren" and also
to print a comprehensive help message when desired. It has two parts:

1. option_t data structure, which attempts to bring all the command line
args parsed by COM_CheckParm() into one place for validation upon program

2. C code which parses the command line, attempting to identify faulty
options, but also allowing for "+map e1m1" type args.
debian-paths this patch changes the default search path for uhexen2 executables not-needed vendor 2016-02-14
hardening.patch patches to enable hardening on uhexen2 simple fixes to enable hardened build
Author: gustavo panizzo <>
Origin: vendor
Forwarded: not-needed
Last-Update: <2016-02-14>
sdl2.patch initial patch for SDL2 support: based on the original work by jpernst at

Things seem to work but needs some polishing and tidy-up before applying:
One of the most important things is handling SDL2 text input mode.

All known versions for source package 'uhexen2'
