Debian Patches

Status for unrardll/0.1.7+ds-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Remove-nonexistent-file-from-manifest.patch Remove nonexistent file from manifest uses build test in upstream CI system
YOKOTA Hiroshi <> no 2021-10-09
upstream/0002-Fix-4.patch Fix #4 Kovid Goyal <> not-needed 2023-06-30
upstream/0003-tests-move-test-file-to-something-easily-detected-by.patch tests: move test file to something easily detected by unittest

Due to setuptools' deprecation of direct, command-line invocation of
`python XXX`, the ecosystem has been moving towards a complex,
laborious, unpredictable collection of hand-rolled routines for
performing end-to-end integration of python software.

Wheels are built using frontends (not setuptools, apparently) that don't
consistently accept the same arguments does, but there are
various hacks to make that hopefully work anyway.

The main issue is running the testsuite. There are no standards for
running a testsuite, and no reliable entrypoints other than "run pytest
or `python -m unittest` and pray". Of course, this only works if you
define manual PYTHONPATHs, or else explicitly don't but install the
module *first*. We are sort of forced to do this anyway, because
wheels... however, unrardll cannot be detected by unittest/pytest
because they expect test implementation files to be named "test*.py".

Rename to start with the recommended name. The direct `
test` command still works, as it iterates over all test/*.py files
regardless of name and manually reads tests from those files.

This allows a workflow of:
- build unrardll however you like
- expose it to the python command
- run `python -m unittest`
Eli Schwartz <> not-needed 2023-10-23
upstream/0004-Fix-6.patch Fix #6 Kovid Goyal <> not-needed 2024-02-03

All known versions for source package 'unrardll'
