Debian Patches

Status for vboot-utils/0~R106-15054.B-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-reduce-uname-down.patch Reduce `uname -m` down to what the build system

Shawn Landden <> no 2013-01-28
0006-add-CPPFLAGS-LDFLAGS.patch Add missing CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS Marcin Juszkiewicz <> no Debian 2020-10-27
0008-fix-building-on-arm64.patch Try to fix building on arm64 Sophie Brun <> no 2016-05-20
0012-fix-spelling-errors.patch Fix a spelling error Sophie Brun <> no 2017-11-14
dont-build-with-werror.patch Don't build with Werror in Debian Sophie Brun <> no 2020-02-11
add-missing-flags-pie.patch Add missing flags pie Sophie Brun <> no 2022-02-11
do-not-embed-user-and-time-in-version.patch Avoid embedding user and time in version from

The script embeds the build time and user who built the
binary, which breaks reproducible builds:

Without this patch, "/usr/bin/futility" embeds differing information
in the binary:

unknown 2020-09-17 07:53:52 pbuilder1 vs. unknown 2021-10-21 16:19:17 pbuilder2
Vagrant Cascadian <> no debian 2020-10-27
treat-i386-as-x86.patch treat-i386-as-x86

When building for i386 and running an amd64 kernel, the Makefile uses
"uname -m" to determine the architecture, but this introduces variations
depending on the kernel used to perform the build.
Vagrant Cascadian <> no debian 2020-12-01

All known versions for source package 'vboot-utils'
