Debian Patches

Status for vdjtools/1.2.1+git20190311+repack-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
addMissingLibraries.patch changing Maven coordinates of dependencies for the build tony mancill <> not-needed 2022-11-27
build.patch pacthing the build.gradle file so that not all jars are in the build classpath by default. Instead we should specify the needed ones only.
Also we prevent gradle from shipping a fat jar with all dependencies bundled
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-12-03
jdk21-remove-collection.patch remove unused class that fails to compile with Java 21 vdjtools has no reverse dependencies and no reverse build dependencies.
LinkedListExt is not used in the project.
The class contains a compile error.
Upstream was acquired by a company and is no longer supported.
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed debian 2024-02-16

All known versions for source package 'vdjtools'
