Debian Patches

Status for vim-ultisnips/3.2-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update Prefer python3 shebang in
Note, print with parentheses and single argument produce the same output in old Python.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-13
0002-Run-automated-tests-against-installed-UtliSnips.patch Run automated tests against installed UtliSnips Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-13
0003-Detect-vim_flavor-from-call-to-has-nvim.patch Detect vim_flavor from call to has('nvim') Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-13
0004-Ignore-in-NeoVim-broken-test-SnippetActions_PostActi.patch Ignore in NeoVim broken test SnippetActions_PostActionModifiesCharAfterSnippet Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-13
0005-Invert-check_required_vim_version-in-Autotrigger_Wil.patch Invert check_required_vim_version in Autotrigger_WillProduceNoExceptionWithVimLowerThan214

More accurate check does not imply NeoVim. It has got working autotrigger feature.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-14
0006-Check-success-of-tmux-send-keys.patch Check success of "tmux send-keys"
If for any reason tmux failed, reveal the error raising a subprocess exception.
This makes debugging a lot easier. If something goes wrong, for instance tmux
session is not started, we will see stack trace, command arguments as an
array, and all output. However, the output is printed in a mess with unittest
messages, but it is okay.

Furthermore, the Python documentation cautions against using stdout=PIPE or
stderr=PIPE with the call() function.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-07-14
0007-Check-Vim-version-through-call-to-Vim-s-has-function.patch Check Vim version through call to Vim's has() function
* Do not parse output of the `--version` option. The format is not documented.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2023-01-13
0008-Respect-the-retries-option-in-tests-with-the-expecte.patch Respect the retries option in tests with the expected_error parameter
* Remove the `return` instruction from the loop over [0, retries) if the
expected_error parameter is set.
* Break the loop early when the check is successful.
* This trick reduces chance of failure due to input/output race in tmux.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2023-01-14

All known versions for source package 'vim-ultisnips'
