Debian Patches

Status for vips/8.14.1-3+deb12u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
dedupe_fits_header.patch [PATCH] Dedupe fits header (#3282)
* don't write FITS keywords more than once

We mustn't write most FITS header keywords more than once. Something
like "vips add a.fits b.fits x.fits" was duplicating header keywords.


* don't dupe BZERO and BSCALE

since cfitsio will set these for signed int values

* improve header dedupe

* note changelog

* make fits key ids unique

* remove identical line dedupe logic

* revert unique header id
John Cupitt <> no 2023-01-22
fix_target_pnm_write.patch [PATCH] oooop, pnm write was not being inited
John Cupitt <> no 2023-02-04
CVE-2023-40032.patch [PATCH] svgload: fix null-pointer dereference (#3604)
`g_utf8_find_next_char()` might return NULL when called with a
non-NULL second argument, indicating that the end of the string
has been reached.
Kleis Auke Wolthuizen <> no 2023-08-13

All known versions for source package 'vips'
