Debian Patches

Status for vorbisgain/0.37-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-temp_files.patch Apply patch to use temp files, which are dependent on the file which is beeing processed, instead always using the same
filename, which can result to data loss in scenarios where two or more
vorbis processes are running parallel.
Pavel N. Krivitsky <> no debian
0002-errno.patch Zero errno before readdir call. no
0003-manpage.patch Man page says --silent, should be --skip no
0004-vorbisgain_mtime.patch When a file's metadata is updated, the mtime is changed to the current time. Whether this is correct or not is often a
religious issue (metadata-vs-data), but, generally, all other
tag-editing software choose to keep the timestamp.
Since the upstream fixed the issue, it is bad to ignore the fix
altogether. At the very least, there should be a command-line
option to follow the upstream and The Only Right(tm) behaviour.
Adam Borowski <> no debian
0005-double_fclose.patch Don't call fclose() twice. Jonathan Neuschäfer <> no debian
0006-manpage_hyphens.patch Resolved hyphen-used-as-minus-sign lintian complaints. no
0007-recursively_spelling.patch "recursivly" should be spelled "recursively". Thanks Adam. no
0008-manpage_recursion_mistake.patch The manpage shows methods that don't work. They have been replaced. no
0009-hardening.patch Allow build with dh compat level 9 (debian build flags) no
0010-fclose.patch Solve "too many open files" by closing those which are not compatible with vorbisgain. Thanks to Marcel Rehberg for the patch. no

All known versions for source package 'vorbisgain'
