Debian Patches

Status for wide-dhcpv6/20080615-24

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-manpages.patch Fix manpages
This patch fixes wide-dhcpv6 manpages (paths, typos, ...).
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0002-Don-t-strip-binaries.patch Don't strip binaries
This patch prevents wide-dhcpv6 build system from stripping built binaries.
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0003-Close-inherited-file-descriptors.patch Close inherited file descriptors
wide-dhcpv6 binaries should close inherited fds.
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0004-GNU-libc6-fixes.patch GNU libc6 fixes
Fixes for recent libc releases.
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0005-Update-ifid-on-interface-restart.patch Update ifid on interface restart
Interface ID may have changed between a stop and start.

[ slightly modified according to 0004-GNU-libc6-fixes.patch]
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0006-Add-new-feature-dhcp6c-profiles.patch Add new feature: dhcp6c profiles
This patch enables users to define interface profiles so one can configure a
group of interfaces the same way without having to provide an interface
statement for each.
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2010-04-06
0007-Adding-ifid-option-to-the-dhcp6c.conf-prefix-interfa.patch Adding ifid option to the dhcp6c.conf prefix-interface statement
This adds the ability to override the default EUI-64 address selection.
Useful for interfaces without a unique hardware address, or for creating
more userfriendly addresses in general.
=?utf-8?q?Bj=C3=B8rn_Mork?= <> no 2010-11-10
0008-Close-file-descriptors-on-exec.patch Close file descriptors on exec
Avoid FD leakage to children
Jeremie Corbier <> no 2014-12-02
0009-Fix-renewal-of-IA-NA.patch Fix renewal of IA NA Jeremie Corbier <> no 2014-12-02
0010-Call-client-script-after-interfaces-have-been-update.patch Call client script after interfaces have been updated Jeremie Corbier <> no 2014-12-02
0011-resolv-warnings-so-as-to-make-blhc-and-gcc-both-happ.patch resolv warnings so as to make "blhc" and "gcc" both happy
- blhc complained: lacking of CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS for C files in Makefile
- gcc complained implicit declaration of function 'time'
- gcc complained ignoring return value of 'read'
- adjust objects dependency and make parallel build working
Roger Shimizu <> no 2016-11-02
0012-fix-a-redefined-YYDEBUG-warning-of-gcc-for-the-code-.patch fix a redefined "YYDEBUG" warning of gcc for the code generated by bison/flex Roger Shimizu <> no 2015-09-10
0013-added-several-comments-examples-by-Stefan-Sperling.patch added several comments/examples. (contributed by Stefan Sperling) SUZUKI Shinsuke <> no 2008-07-30
0014-Support-to-build-on-kFreeBSD-n-GNU-Hurd-platform.patch Support to build on kFreeBSD & GNU/Hurd platform Roger Shimizu <> no 2015-12-24
0015-a-bit-info-to-logger-when-get-OPTION_RECONF_ACCEPT.patch Add a bit info to logger when get OPTION_RECONF_ACCEPT(20) dhcpv6 option Roger Shimizu <> no 2015-12-24
0016-fix-typo-in-dhcp6c.8-manpage.patch fix typo in dhcp6c.8 manpage Roger Shimizu <> no 2016-10-26
0017-Remove-unused-linking-with-libfl.patch Remove unused linking with libfl
Due to the yylex requirement this caused FTBFS
when a shared libfl is provided.
Adrian Bunk <> no 2018-03-15
0018-dhcpv6-ignore-advertise-messages-with-none-of-reques.patch dhcpv6: ignore advertise messages with none of requested data and missed status codes.

with RENEW fix. Thanks TheMiron.

[ Roger Shimizu's comment ]
The patch was originally from:

This resolved upstream issue #34:
Evgeniy Manachkin <> no 2015-03-30
0019-Server-should-not-bind-control-port-if-there-is-no-s.patch Server should not bind control port if there is no shared secret
And add two additional check of shared secret
- checks validity of the read shared secret and set ctlkey structure
pointer not NULL only if there is really any shared secret.
- check if ctlkey is NULL or if shared secret is NULL or empty
(pointer is not NULL, but there are no data - length is 0).

This resolved upstream issue #36:
Robert Wolf <> no 2016-01-11
0020-Adding-option-to-randomize-interface-id.patch Adding option to randomize interface id
Please find attached a patch that adds a new feature to
wide-dhcpv6-client, namely an option ("ifid-random") in the
prefix-interface section of dhcp6c.conf to generate a random interface
id on startup. This is useful if you wish to have the final 64 bits of
your IPv6 address change from time to time - a sort of very rough
equivalent of IPv6 Privacy Extensions. If you do not add "ifid-random"
to the config file, then nothing about the client's current behaviour

Note that if your prefix-interface section has both the current "ifid
X" option (where X is whatever number you want to manually assign as
your interface id) and the new "ifid-random" option, then the
interface id is randomized and "ifid X" is ignored.

Christopher Martin
Christopher Martin <> no 2018-10-16
0021-Make-sla-len-config-optional.patch Make sla-len config optional
Cherry-pick from Fedora:
Roger Shimizu <> no 2020-09-06
0022-Make-sla-id-config-optional.patch Make sla-id config optional
Cherry-pick from Fedora:
Roger Shimizu <> no 2020-09-06
0023-Fix-typo-in-dhcp6c.conf.5-manpage.patch Fix typo in dhcp6c.conf.5 manpage Roger Shimizu <> no 2025-03-18

All known versions for source package 'wide-dhcpv6'
