Debian Patches

Status for wims/2:4.28+dfsg1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
wims.conf.patch =================================================================== no
prettifyJS.patch =================================================================== no
double-max_depositlen.patch upgraded MAX_DEPOSITLEN to 16 MB fix for a bug when restoring a class archive bigger than 8 MB, which is not
dfsg-scripts.patch =================================================================== no
php7.patch Replaced the obsolete '/e' modifier for regexps by a closure to feed preg_replace_callback
no-applets.patch =================================================================== no
cheat_tinymce.patch The package tinymce is no longer maintained in Debian

Here is a patch which cheats, by replacing most of tinymce's
features by ckeditor. To make this patch work, there must be a
symlink from /var/lib/wims/public_html/scripts/js/external/ckeditor
to /usr/share/javascript/ckeditor

mathml.patch =================================================================== no
yuicompressor.patch =================================================================== no

All known versions for source package 'wims'
